Bio identical Hormone treatment Mississippi County, MO - Harmony Health

What is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. They are often prescribed when levels of key hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone decline with age or due to medical conditions.

BHRT involves restoring optimal hormonal balance by supplementing the body with plant-based bioidentical hormones including:

Treatment is individualized based on each patient's unique needs and hormone levels. Custom compounded hormone medications are prepared specially to meet prescribed dosages.

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

Many patients seek BHRT to find relief from uncomfortable signs and symptoms of hormone deficiency:

Our services

Common Symptoms in Women

- Hot flashes, night sweats - Vaginal dryness - Increased belly fat, difficulty losing weight - Depression, mood swings, irritability - Insomnia - Brain fog, memory lapses - Low libido

Common Symptoms in Men

- Low energy, fatigue - Increased body fat, weight gain - Erectile dysfunction - Loss of muscle mass - Depression, irritability - Loss of focus and concentration

Left untreated, hormone imbalances can negatively impact one's quality of life. They have also been linked to medical conditions like heart disease, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's disease.

Try bioidentical hormones for a balanced, vibrant you.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

Comprehensive lab testing helps our practitioners evaluate patients' hormone levels and determine if treatment is warranted.

Common Hormones Tested Optimal Lab Ranges
Estradiol 100-200 pg/mL for women
Progesterone 1-28 ng/mL luteal phase for women
Testosterone 350-700 ng/dL for women; 400-700 ng/dL for men
DHEA-S 130-240 mcg/dL for ages 30-40

Testing may check levels of the hormones themselves and related compounds that can provide additional insight.

Saliva, blood, or urine tests can be used depending on the hormone. Testing is generally repeated throughout treatment to ensure optimal levels are achieved and maintained.

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Restoring hormonal balance with bioidentical hormone therapy can provide both immediate and lasting relief of deficiency symptoms. Patients report benefits such as:

In the long run, balanced hormones are essential to overall wellbeing and key to reducing risk for certain chronic diseases.

BHRT tailored specifically to each patient's needs allows for treatment that truly makes a difference in quality of life.

Bioidentical Estrogen and Progesterone HRT

Women are most likely to benefit from supplementation with bioidentical estrogen and progesterone.

Declining production of the hormone estrogen during perimenopause and menopause leads to disruptive symptoms like hot flashes and sleep disturbances. Long term it can contribute to bone loss and heart disease.

Low progesterone often accompanies estrogen decline, causing symptoms like weight gain, sore breasts, and mood changes. Progesterone helps balance and enhance estrogen's therapeutic effects in the body.

Estriol is considered the safest form of estrogen for postmenopausal women. Used transdermally with micronized progesterone, it effectively relieves menopause symptoms without significant risk.

Restore balance, relieve symptoms, regain wellbeing with bioidenticals.

Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement

In both men and women, low testosterone can cause low libido, lack of energy, mental fogginess, and increased body fat. Bioidentical testosterone therapy effectively treats hormonal deficiency to help patients feel like themselves again.

Testosterone pellets inserted under the hip's skin supply steady testosterone levels over a 4-6 month period. Testosterone also comes in topical gels, injectable forms, and oral capsules. Hormone specialists determine optimal delivery methods per patient needs and preferences.

Monitoring during treatment ensures healthy testosterone levels are achieved and unpleasant symptoms subside.

Note: Reputable practitioners avoid prescribing testosterone therapy for those at high risk of prostate cancer.

DHEA Hormone Treatment

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a precursor hormone from which estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are made. Our bodies produce less DHEA with age.

Deficiency can negatively impact energy, immunity, mood, sleep, sexual health, muscle tone and more. DHEA used transdermally helps restore youthful hormonal balance.

Additional Aspects of BHRT

Improving Results

Complementing bioidentical hormone therapy with positive lifestyle changes can enhance results:

Holistic support addresses all factors influencing wellbeing - mind, body and spirit.

Innovations in Treatment

The field of bioidentical hormone therapy continues to advance with new innovations including:

Technical advances allow safer, more convenient and person-centered treatment.

Practitioner Expertise Matters

Specialized training and clinical experience with BHRT gives our practitioners at Harmony Health in-depth knowledge of:

Our goal is refreshed vitality and renewed quality of life.

Why Choose Bioidentical Over Synthetic HRT?

Traditional synthetic hormone replacement therapy has well-known risks resulting in declining use. Plant-derived bioidentical hormones offer a safer, more effective alternative.

| Bioidentical HRT | Traditional Synthetic HRT | |-|-| Molecularly identical to human hormones | Molecularly different structure | Fewer side effects | Increased side effects | Lower disease risks | Elevated risks of blood clots, stroke, breast cancer | Customized dosing | Standard doses |


At Harmony Health, we understand the importance of hormonal balance for overall health and well-being. Our experienced practitioners are dedicated to providing personalized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to help you regain your vitality and improve your quality of life. With our comprehensive approach, cutting-edge treatment options, and commitment to patient care, you can trust us to guide you on your journey towards renewed energy, resilience, and longevity.

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